4 Feb 03
Ft Lauderdale to Cat Cay, Bahamas |
We hired a captain, Alex Maher, to
take us across the Gulf Stream. It was a great choice, he was very
knowledgeable and showed us how to read the water depth and make
approaches. We also chose to go to Cat Cay instead of Bimini since it is
easier to get onto the Great Bahamas Banks from there. We cleared
customs at Cat Cay. It is a private island, a resort for the rich and
famous. We spent three days here relaxing and getting organized for the
next leg. The island is beautiful as you can see. We met Peter and Gabby
onboard Bay Bee Gee and they recommended the Berry Islands Club on
Frazer's Hog Cay vice Chub Cay Marina. We spent the days commissioning
the water maker, taking dinghy trips, and generally goofing off.

7 Feb 03
Berry Islands Club, Frazer's Hog Cay, Berry
Islands |
We traveled across the
banks today via the NW channel to Chub Cay/Frazer's Hog Cay. We are
staying in a small marina on the east end of the island run by David and
Donald Loupe, two Cajuns from Narco, LA. Great food and beautiful
crystal clear waters. We caught up with Gabby and Peter here on their
return from Nassau. We decided to stay here and fly back to the Miami
Boat Show. Richard and Linda Mittleman graciously hosted us and endured
the shopping trip from hell. I think we hit every boat store, Home
Depot, and Radio Shack in the greater Ft Lauderdale - Miami area, some
more than once. Thanks again, guys. On our return, we installed some of
the gear we purchased and made our plans for the next leg to Nassau and
the Exumas. We have met a number of really nice fellow cruisers here,
including John and Frances on New Directions and Meg and Adam on Ondine.
I am sure we will see them again along our trip. Here are some pictures
of the Berry Islands Club and our friends John and Frances.
25 Feb 03
Nassau Yacht Haven, Nassau, New Providence |
We caught
an unexpected weather break and made a dash across to Nassau. We are
staying in the Nassau Yacht Haven across the channel from Atlantis. We
plan to re-provision and then begin our trip to the Exumas. Nassau
harbor is crowded with cruise ships, fishing boats, dive and snorkel
boats, and lots of high speed Bahamian boaters. We met up with Frances
and John from New Directions, Donald and Sue from Berry Island's Club,
and met some new friends David and Nobuko on Resolute. We ate out two
nights and visited the Atlantis Casino (left a winner of $85). I worked
on the SSB installation and a fresh water wash down hose. We plan to
return to Nassau by the end of March, so left much of the sightseeing
until then. |
2 Mar 03
Highbourne Cay, Exumas |
We crossed the Yellow
Bank onto the Exumas Bank today to Highbourne Cay. It is a beautiful
marina, with lemon sharks in the harbor and a great beach. As we entered
the marina, our friends Scott and Melissa on Rantum Scoot heard us on
the radio and gave us a call. They are in Norman's Cay and we will join
them tomorrow. Here are some shots of us at the Cay.

3 Mar 03
Norman's Cay, Exumas |
We made the short trip
to Norman's Cay today and joined our friends at anchor. Norman's Cay was
the former home of Carlos Leder, a drug dealer immortalized in the movie
"Blow". We are anchoring off his former home. There is a
wrecked airplane awash in the bay and lots of other cruisers. We met Don
and Janet on Wings and Gail and Willard on Stardust. We all hosted
dinners on our boats and celebrated Scott's birthday. There is a cool
little bar on the island with a blender driven by a weed whacker gas
engine. Great food and lots of Scottish terrier stuff. We made a nice
drift dive along a coral channel. Here are some shots.
10 Mar 03
South Anchorage, Warderick Wells, Exumas |
We made the trip to the
Exumas Land and Sea Park and large nature preserve. We are mooring in
the south anchorage and met up with Wings, Rantum Scoot, and later
Stardust. Had a beautiful snorkel trip and saw a Spanish Lobster for the
first time. We celebrated Don's birthday onboard Odelia.

12 Mar 03
Staniel Cay, Exumas |
We made a 15 mile voyage
via the Exumas Sound to Staniel Cay and are staying in the Staniel Cay
Yacht Club. We met up with Rantum Scoot and Wings again and had a pizza
dinner at Club Thunderball the first night. We were finally able to
complete work on Scott's generator. This is where the Bond movie
Thunderball was filmed and we snorkeled the grotto on Thursday. We
stayed here through Sunday, 16 Mar. I took the opportunity to snorkel
through the grotto again on Friday and took some pictures.

16 Mar 03
North Anchorage, Warderwick Wells |
We left Staniel Cay and
traveled up the Exumas Banks back to the Exumas Land and Sea Park. The
wind picked up and we decided to pick up a mooring in the North
Anchorage. Unfortunately, the only one left was mooring 1, right on the
outside and we suffered through two nights of rocking and rolling. The
first afternoon we went ashore and walked up to Boo Boo Hill where
boaters leave their boat names. |
18 Mar 03
Norman's Cay |
We went through the
Warderick Wells cut and traveled north along the Exumas Sound back to
Norman's Cay and anchored. The wind has abated somewhat from Sunday and
Monday but continued for several days. This anchorage is very well
protected though. We took the dinghy ashore to Mac Duff's for lunch,
then on a scouting trip to Norman's Pond anchorage in the north of the
island. We met Dieter on Saxonia (a Liepzieger now living in Toronto and
his two guests, Richard and Eleanore) plus Alan and Debbie on Trident.
Neal and Pam on Reverie that we met in Berry Island also came in and we
all had a sunset drink. We plan to leave here on Sunday or Monday to
head up to an anchorage near Highbourne Cay and doing some diving.

25 Mar 03
Highbourne Cay |
We traveled across the
banks to Highbourne Cay and plan to stay at the marina there for two
nights on the way to Nassau. We met up with Stanley and Fran and had a
tour of their lovely boat Altisa
VII½. It just recently underwent an 10 ft addition and major
upgrade. We took a dinghy ride over to Allan's Cay to feed the iguanas
and to check out the anchorage there for our next trip. Stan and Fran
came aboard for a tour of our boat. There is a fish cleaning station at
the end of the dock and nurse sharks gather for the leftovers. Here are
pictures of Alan's Cay, Altisa
VII½, and the sharks.

27 Mar 03
Nassau Yacht Haven, Nassau |
We made the short trip
across the Yellow Banks to Nassau. There was a storm headed this way for
the weekend, so we came in early for Marie's arrival. Our friend Marie
from England arrived on schedule and successfully completed her diving
course. We met her dive buddy, Jena Katz. Since she was staying at
Atlantis, we were able to take the full tour of the resort. Cal and
Carol on EZ Breezes came across with us, Gato del Sol arrived with Bruce
and Pam the following day with Don and Janet on Wings. Then John and
Frances arrived on New Directions. We had a nice Shabbat dinner on board
with lots of guests. Here are some photos.

6 Apr 03 Highbourne
Cay |
Marie successfully
completed her dive course, so we took off for the Exumas to do some
diving. We anchored off Highbourne Cay and took the dinghy over to feed
the iguanas on Allan Cay. The wind was pretty stiff so diving off
Highbourne wasn't possible. |
7 Apr 03
Norman's Cay |
We came down to Norman's
(my favorite cay) to avoid the high winds and surge. We went snorkeling
around the sunken airplane, took a long walk, and went to eat at Mac
Duff's. Wings rejoined us here.
9 Apr 03 Highbourne
Cay Marina |
We returned to
Highbourne Cay, this time to the marina. We took a dive on the Exuma
sound side, nice coral, a couple of spotted moray eels, and lots of
pretty reef fish. Marie had to work off her passage fees by polishing
the stainless.

13 Apr 03
Nassau Yacht Haven and Nassau Harbor Club,
Nassau |
We returned Marie back
to Nassau to catch her flight home. We really appreciated her making the
trip, she was our first guest for the cruise. Hope she enjoyed it as
much as we did. Tsipy's sister Ruthie arrived at the same time that
Marie left, so we had to hurry over to the arrivals area to meet her. We
plan to spend the week here in Nassau, showing her the sights and
relaxing during Pessach (Passover). Wings returned from their trip and
met us at the marina. We took the dinghy over to Atlantis to see the
marina and then Tsipy and Ruthie walked back over to take the tour. We
had a beautiful Seder dinner with the able assistance of Ruthie. Rantum
Scoot and Stardust returned from Georgetown, so we were able to have a
grand reunion.

23 Apr 03
Norman's Cay |
We are headed south to
Georgetown. Spent the night at Norman's Cay. |
24 Apr 03
Little Farmer's Cay |
We spent the night at
Farmer's Cay Yacht Club, a pretty little island paradise, took a swim,
and long walk around the island. |
25 Apr 03
Georgetown, Grand Exuma |
Well, we finally made it
to G-town, the cruising Mecca of the Bahamas. Called in for information
and heard from our friends Neal and Pam on Reverie. We are spending the
first few days on the Stocking Island side of the harbor and will move
over to the other side once the Family Regatta ends. Took the dinghy
into town to get fuel and some fresh veggies.

30 Apr 03
Hawks Nest Marina, Cat Island |
Andy and Loretta made it
in yesterday and we took off for Cat Island. We are staying at a nice
marina on the south end of the island, there are very few anchorages
here and the days are somewhat stormy so we decided to stay in marinas.
We looked for mooring buoys on the way in but didn't find any that would
hold our boat. the dive operation here hides all of their moorings just
under the water, so they can't be used. We anchored at a dive site on
Thursday and Andy and Loretta got in a rather uninspiring dive. We had a
minor disaster getting the anchor up, it lodged under a huge rock and
stripped out the wildcat on my windlass. Andy dove down and attached a
pick up line. Once we pulled forward enough to clear the rock, we were
finally able to pull up the anchor with the added line. We decided to go
to San Salvador tomorrow, the diving is better and most spots have
mooring balls. Here are some shots of Andy and Loretta.

2 May 03
Riding Rock Marina San Salvador |
What a difference! Today
we traveled to the Riding Rock Marina in San Salvador, one of the oldest
dive resorts in the Bahamas. The dive staff there gave us maps of the
sites, even GPS locations! We dove Le Crevasse, Doolittle's, Telephone
Pole, Double Caves, Great Cut, North Pole Cave, Grotto, and Witches
Cauldron. Great sites and lots to see. My camera wasn't working too well
without a strobe, so Andy is going to forward some of his shots once
they return. He is a better photographer in any case. Here are some
shots he took while diving off San Salvador.
6 May 03
Georgetown, Grand Exuma |
We returned from San
Salvador via Conception Island today. We had hoped to get in some dives
at Conception but all of the buoys were missing and since we can't
anchor in deep water, we continued on to G-town. It was really great to
have Andy and Loretta on board, they are great diving buddies and
friends and Andy really saved our butts when our windlass decided to
give up. We had a nice day at anchorage, snorkeling around the shore of
Stocking Island on Wednesday, then moved to the Marina for their last
day. It was hard to say goodbye to them and we hope to see them next
year if not during the off season. We will stay here through Sunday due
to the weather and then start our return to the US.
11 May 03
Staniel Cay |
We began our trip back
to the US today. We traveled via Exuma Sound to Galliot Cut, then along
the banks to Staniel Cay. We met up with Jazzbo again on their way home. |
12 May 03 Norman's
Cay |
We anchored here for the
night since Highbourne Cay Marina was fully booked. We had to use a trip
line to get the anchor up since we are still having problems with the
wildcat of the windlass. |
13 May 03
Nassau Harbor Club, Nassau |
We made the trip to
Nassau today, had to wait out a rain storm to dock but otherwise
uneventful. We had dinner at the Club Med and meet a nice couple, Sarah
and Chris Bastig from Colorado Springs. They visited us the next day. |
14 May 03
Berry Island Club |
We made the crossing to
the Berry's today and will spend Shabbat here. The Club is closed
although there are some fishermen visiting. They caught quite a few and
gave us some nice fillets. Tsipy didn't catch this, just wanted to look
like a fisherman.

18 May 03
Cat Cay |
Crossed the Grand
Bahamas Banks to Cat Cay today. It is fitting to end our Bahamas trip at
the same point we started it over four months ago. |
19 May 03
Harbourtowne Marina, Dania Cut, FL |
Well, we made it back to
the USA. Checking in with customs was terrible, over two hours on the
phone listening to a recording. Finally the harbor master was able to
call a local office and we were able to check in. We did have to clear
immigrations also at the local port. We are staying here about a week to
repair the windlass and a few other things. We will then go down the
keys. |
27 May 03
Key Largo |
Made the
trip down Hawk's Channel to Key Largo, nice weather and saw lots of
dolphins and a leaping eagle ray. We stayed in Port Largo Canal, a nice
narrow little channel with a 90 degree corner called "crash
corner". Not an inspiring name. |
28 May 03 Marathon,
Boot Key |
We continued our trip to
Pancho's Fuel Dock in Marathon. |
29 May 03 Everglades
City, FL |
We went to the west
coast of FL today and will spend Shabbat here. The crossing was rough,
we got caught by a local thunderstorm with high winds, rain, and waves.
John and Alvera Marino, my old boss and friend from Franklin came down
to visit us here. We will see them again in Naples. |
1 Jun 03
Naples City Dock |
We made a quick trip to
Naples today, not too pleasant outside, another rough ride. Once we
entered Naples cut, it was beautiful, the houses were spectacular. John
and Alvera came to the boat with another nice couple, Rita and Peter
Logan, and we went out to dinner and then to their home. |
2 Jun 03
Burnt Store Marina, Charlotte Harbor |
A great day for a trip
outside in the gulf. Quite by coincidence we ran into John and Frances
(from New Directions). They keep their boat here and just happened to
walk over to the dock office for a question and saw our boat. It was
great to see them again and we had a nice dinner at their condo. |
3 Jun 03
Crow's Nest Marina, Venice |
We traveled via the ICW
to Venice today. A pleasant ride but I had forgotten how stressful the
"ditch" can be. We spent two days here waiting for a weather
break. One of the bridges north of here on the ICW is out of order, so
we have to go outside. |
5 Jun 03
Twin Dolphin Marina, Bradenton |
Well, we made it and
thank God for the safe journey. We made the trip outside to Tampa Bay,
then down the Manatee River to Bradenton. This will be our home for the
next few months. Here are some pictures. Most are of the boat and dock
area, the last one is of the restaurant in the marina.
