Before Departure |
Bob Paynton, a good friend from
Cove Haven Marina in RI came in to accompany us for the crossing and
some of the summer cruising. We were able to take him for a quick tour
of Israel before we left. Here are photos of his arrival, the Dead Sea,
and Masada. We were invited aboard Mevoot Yam for the celebration sail
in honor of the 60th Year of Independence of Israel.

26 Apr
Herzliya to Finike
We departed Herzliya marina and cruised directly to
Finike, Turkey. The weather was good, a
maximum of 1 meter waves and 10 knots of wind. We made the crossing in
about 36 hours and arrived in Finike Marina at 1930 on 27 Apr. Our
friend John (ex-captain of Miss Dana) and Bob accompanied us on the
crossing. We went out for dinner on our arrival and John and Bob
stayed for awhile longer. On the way back they ignored the presence of a
gate and jumped over the fence. Bob twisted his ankle but didn't
remember doing it in the morning. John returned to Israel on 28 Apr and
Bob will
stay with us for a while. Here is a photo of the sunset and marina.

1 May
Finike to Kerkova |
We cruised along the coast to
Kerkova and anchored off of the restaurants in Ugaciz. We took a walk
around the tombs above Ugaciz and then climbed to the top of Kale Koy,
the Ottoman castle at the entrance to the bay. Bob used my cleaning
brush handle as a staff to help with his ankle.
2 May
Kerkova to Kastellorizo |
We cruised to Kastellorizo, a small
Greek island off the coast. It is one of our favorite places, a
prototypical Greek village. We initially moored off of one of the
restaurants but after an atypical Greek reception by the owner we moved
over to the ferry dock. We took these photos while we toured the town
and then climbed the hill behind the town. Bob is still using the
walking stick.
3 - 6 May
Kastellorizo to Gocek |
We cruised to Gocek and anchored in
a small bay opposite the town. We had our first swim of the

6 - 9 May
Gocek to Sarsala |
We traveled up the bay to Sarsala,
one of our favorite anchorages. Bob tied us ashore using the dinghy. We
stayed for several days, swimming and walking along the shore.

10 - 13 May
Sarsala to Gocek |
We came back to Gocek and stayed in
Skopea marina. We rented a car and took Bob to Marmaris to visit our
friends Bev and Dave on Cloverleaf. Their boat is out of the water while
they finish repainting it. We took a land tour to Saklikent, Tlos, and
our favorite trout farm the next day.

13 - 16 May
Gocek to Tomb Bay and back |
We cruised out to try a new
anchorage called Tomb Bay. It is usually crowded with large boats but is
open this time of the season. We climbed into the hills, replaced the
generator impellor, and had a beer in the restaurant. We returned to
anchor off Gocek on the 15th. |
16 - 19 May
Gocek to Fethiye to Sarsala |
We traveled over to Fethiye to get
duty free fuel. There were three Turkish missile boats on the quay but
they allowed us to tie alongside for fuel. We left Fethiye and went back
to Sarsala.
19 - 20 May
Sarsala to Gocek and back |
We sailed back to Gocek to meet our
friends Don and Janet (from the Bahamas). They were making a bare boat
charter for a few weeks. We were able to met them for a quick drink but
it was a bad mistake since a summer storm came with 70 knots of wind. We
held okay but anchors were dragging all around us. It was a sleepless
night and we returned to Sarsala for some rest. We met an American
couple (John and Carol) here on a gullet charter. We left early the next

21 May - 10 Jun
Sarsala to Marmaris |
We cruised the ~50 miles to Marmaris.
Weather was good even with the cloud cover. We saw two F-16s practicing
along the way. We are staying here a bit for some work. Anchor repaired
the mufflers, Bob and I wrapped the heat risers, added solar panels, and
finished varnish work on the hand rails. We met lots of new friends,
John and Delwin on Colvale, Alex and Brigite on Mary Anne, Ilan and Judy
on Noa, and Mimi and Charles. We had a special treat when Yardena and
Sami and four of their friends came to Marmaris on a cruise boat. They
were able to come and visit for a hour or so. Bob took a bus tour of
Ephesus before he flew home. We really enjoyed his visit and Odelia
loved his attention since he put 12 coats of varnish on the handrails.

10 Jun
Marmaris to Bozburun |
In the company of Cloverleaf, we
cruised around the end of the Marmaris peninsula to Bozburun. We
anchored between two islands outside of the town. We had a drink with
Paul and Wendy of Emerald Lady and then went into town for dinner. It is
a lovely little town with a small harbor.

11 - 21 Jun
Bozburun to Kargi and Orhaniye |
We left Bozburun with Cloverleaf
planning to go around the Datca peninsula to Bodrum. We stopped for
breakfast at a small bay (Karuda) and then continued on. The weather
continued to get worse and we stopped in Kargi (a small bay south of
Datca) for the night. We decided to head back to Orhaniye where the
water would be calm and warmer. We anchored off Marti Marina. We met
Jahit, the retired chief naval architect for the Turkish Navy on a
lovely 50 year old Scottish trawler. We met Bill and Bunny with their
friend Judith, Dan and Nili with their friend Pnina and Adi, and John
and Delwin from Marmaris.
21 - 26 Jun
Orhaniye to Selimniye and back
We cruised over to
Selimniye with Cloverleaf. We anchored off of a hotel near Jahit. We had
dinner in a nice restaurant for my birthday. We returned to Orhaniye for
shopping and we took a bus tour to Aphrodesius with Bev and
Dave and their guests.
26 -27 Jun
Orhaniye to Palamut and Bodrum |
We departed Orhaniye
with Cloverleaf enroute to Bodrum. We spent first night at anchor off
the beach at Palamut. We were greeted by a Turkish woman and her son
that swam out to welcome us since we had an American flag. The anchorage
was pretty exposed and we rolled all night. We left the next morning for
Bodrum and anchored off the town. We took the dinghies in for a tour and
dinner. The music from the disco (over a mile away) was so loud that it
kept us awake all night. |
28 Jun - 3 Jul Bodrum to
Turgetreis |
We left early the next
morning for D-Marin, a new marina at Turgetreis. It was a nice cruise
along a new area of the coast. We enjoyed our stay in the marina, it has
a nice pool and shopping area. |
3 Jul
Turgetreis to Bozburun |
We left early in the
morning headed for Bozburun. Cloverleaf continued north along the coast
but we will meet them again later. We spent the night anchored off the
harbor and met some Israelis on a chartered catamaran. They invited us
to dinner on board. |
4 - 12 Jul
Bozburun to Marmaris |
We left Bozburun and
returned to Marmaris Yat Marin. We met Steve and Jan on Sugilite from
Seattle and had a lovely dinner and evening with Judy, Ilan and them. I
finalized the installation of the solar panels and connected the
controller. It proves about 15A during the day and allows me to run the
refrigerator during the day without the generator.

12 Jul
Marmaris to Tersane Creek |
We traveled to the
Gocek area and anchored a new bay Tersane Creek. We met Rami and Linda
and their daughter and family there. Cloverleaf joined us in the
afternoon. Spike the wonder dog uses a boogie board to go ashore.

13 - 16 Jul
Tersane to Sarsala |
We moved to Sarsala and
met Tololea, Soliel sans Fin, and Triumph. We had parties and dominoes
on Cloverleaf and Odelia. We saw the twelve meter America's cup boat
sailing in the bay. It is Spirit of America, now owned by a Turkish

16 - 29 July
Sarsala to Gocek |
We traveled to Gocek and
remained at anchor in a small opposite of the city. We had several guest
aboard Odelia and Cloverleaf; including Estee and Gerry, Mandy and
Shelley and others. |
29 Jul - 17 Aug Gocek to Marmaris |
We traveled back to
Marmaris so Anchor could try repairing our mufflers again. They removed
them and re-welded the seams. |
17 - 19 Aug Marmaris to Fethiye |
We traveled back to
Fethiye and met Utz. He was able to arrange to have our recliner
recovered. He stayed for Shabbat dinner. Later we met Idit and Nir and
had them aboard for a drink before going ashore for dinner. |
20 - 28 Aug
Fethiye to Gocek and Sarsala |
We all traveled to Gocek
and were met by Noa with Judy and Ilan, their son Erez, his wife Anat
and their children. They fell in love with Tsipy (as usual). We then
went to Sarsala where we were joined by Cloverleaf, Noa, Nirvana, My
Mermaid and Tololea. Judy and Ilan's daughter arrived with her kids. We
ate aboard a different boat each night and even tried to learn Mah Jong.
Nir entertained us with singing and playing his accordion one night. One
afternoon, Dave and I went over to another bay to rescue My Mermaid.
Mandy and Shelley wrapped their anchor around an obstacle but I was able
to dive down and remove it. |
28 Aug - 1 Sep Sarsala to Kastellorizo and Finike |
We picked up Gerry and
Estee for the return trip to Israel. We left early and traveled to
Kastellorizo for the night. We had a lovely meal at Lazarakis
restaurant. We tied up at the ferry dock and had a bit of a 'fire drill'
when we had to move out quickly to allow the ferry to dock. We left the
next morning for Finike. |
1 - 10 Sep
Finike to Limassol |
We had a nice overnight
crossing to Cyprus. We even had a school of 10 dolphins playing in our
bow wave for a while. A nice anniversary present for us! We celebrated
our anniversary on the first night at a nice restaurant in Limassol. We
were joined by Mevoot Yam on a trip for the school. Yehuda and about 20
kids were stuck here by the bad weather. Since the weather was not nice;
we rented a car and took a tour of the Troodos mountain range. We had
Shabbat dinner on board Mevoot Yam with Yehuda and the kids. |
11 - 12 Sep LImassol to Herzliya |
Last leg of the return
voyage. It was uneventful with good weather and calm seas. We sailed
most of the day with Mevoot Yam in sight but arrived before them in the
morning. Our thanks to Gerry and Estee for a smooth trip. We enjoyed
their company and help with the crossing. |